Each 2 banana is a group of repetition. There is 4 group of banana. How many times to repeat? Are the codes inside the loop correct?
Turtle can also be written in loop. The codes inside the loop are correct. But there is something missing in the first line. What monkey need to do before turtle move?
Each arrow is a group of repetition. Try to change the times of loop and write a “turn” inside the loop to make it run successfully.
The codes inside the loop are correct. But is that banana also need to repeat in the loop? *press “Backspace” to delete….
要重覆多少次 “turtle.step 10 turtle.turn left”才足夠?最後要寫下甚麼指令讓猴子收集最後一條香蕉?
How many times to repeat “turtle.step 10 turtle.turn left”? How to help monkey catch the last banana?